
Showing posts from 2020

A valuable soul

My life has turned into stones swept out by the ocean, I used to be a priceless soul filled with so much talent and unique to every human alive. Now I've got a price tag on my head that goes up each year on my birthday,a price that is negotiable to the highest bidder.  I have involuntary grown a pair of eyes on the back of my head, to watch over and protect my body. They do not chase after my materialistic valuables but me . I walk with the fear of being the next victim to be silenced with drugs and slavery, in a foreign country where I become a doormat for every men that enters seeking entertainment.  I have no say to who enters my temple but the right to remain silent and serve,this sounds like a far fetched reality for a girl like me but when you take a glance at my surroundings you will fully understand why being trafficked has become a possible future for me.  I had aspirations to be the greatest story teller but all it took was a powerful man and his money to end it all. If I

The link between self-love and mental health

The link between Self-love and mental health I am a 100% positive that you have came across the concept of self-love in your lifetime. The concept of self-love is constantly being preached to us through YouTube videos or Instagram post captions and we have read millions of quotes solely dedicated to self-love. But the real question is: what does it mean to have self-love, does it mean being a narcissist? or just simply protecting your energy. For centuries self-love was associated with narcissism and a big ego, this misunderstood concept has evolved over the years and adopted a more positive connotation. The most popular environment where self-love is constantly emphasized is through various mental health awareness campaigns, it is believed that self-love effortlessly relates to self-help because the more you learn to love yourself you start putting yourself first and that forces you to push out any negative thoughts and build a more positive relationship with yourself. The importa