Girl code

 The ultimate guideline to the girl code

What is the girl code?

There are a lot of definitions concerning the girl code, but really in a nutshell the girl code is just a set of unwritten or unspoken rules between a girl and her best friend. Holdup!! did you just say unwritten and unspoken, yes, I did because they aren’t literary written down or have a meeting set up just to discuss them, instead it is assumed that every girl knows them and is expected to apply them accordingly.

BETWEEN YOU AND I we BOTH  know that not every girl is really clued up on the girl code, so here are a few girl code rules:

1.  Do not date your best friend’s ex ever.

2.  When going shopping with your best friend and she asks for your opinion before buying an outfit be sure to be honest.

3.  Always check in with your friends when they are on a date with a new guy. You never        know if they need to be saved.

4.  Never allow your friend to walk home alone, especially when she’s drunk.

5.  Allow your friends to just vent. Don’t say anything back. Just listen.

6.  Siblings are off limits even if the brother/sister is really cute.

7.  No matter how mad you are never talk about your friends to outsiders.

8.  If you see a pretty girl always give compliments like free candy.

9.  Never let a girl go to the bathroom alone, she won’t be able to fight the bugs alone.

10.  If any girl, ask for a pad/tampon even if you don’t know her just give it to her 

Breaking the girl code!!

Even though some girl code does not require you to be friends, it is still important to practice it because you never know who you might uplift by just being kind and showing respect through the girl code.

Breaking the girl code can be a deal breaker for most friendships and could lead to unrepairable friendships. 80% of the time boys are the reason most friendships end, simply because your friend dated your crush or maybe shared your secrets with your nemesis.

Girl code allows us to set boundaries within the friendships and to keep the respect between friends. This helps facilitate healthy friendships and long-lasting ones too. Hence why the importance of making sure to stick by the girl code. 

What are some of your girl code rules? 


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