What about the right to life?

A right to life shouldn’t be a matter of choice but one of obligation.

Social media has been rapidly growing in the past decade and with an increase in artificial intelligence that aims to one day replicate humans in all ways possible. This could mean that humans won’t be as useful in this technological atmosphere when robotics dominate. Human life has lost value, and the execution of abortion is more common, and life is not viewed as a precious gift no more.

corporate social media advantage is...

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by removing the embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. Hashtags such as #abortion create awareness around the issue and this makes it easy for the practice of corporate social media because they generate more views using the hashtag. This also gives them the opportunity to go viral quicker because hashtags are easier to search generate for example Twitter is a great social media platform for hashtags.

There are three classifications of abortion

  • 1.     Miscarriage
  • 2.     Induced miscarriage
  • 3.     Late term abortion

If abortion is legal it is considered as one of the safest procedures in medicine, there are two methods used: medication and is surgery. This feels like more of a contradiction because whether legal or not abortion is still abortion and an unborn is still murdered in the process. This makes you question how can murder be considered “safe”?.Statistics claim that around 56 million babies are aborted each year in the world, all these innocent babies are denied life before they can even live it.

There are alternatives for abortion which include:

  1. ·       Family planning
  2. ·       Birth control
  3. ·       Adoption

Abortion can hurt you physically, emotionally and spiritually. When advertising or promoting abortion, all facts need to be present and not sugar coating the matter.

Just at 18 days old, your unborn baby’s tiny heart begins to beat. How can it not be a human?

 As a former fetus I oppose abortion. The funny part is that those who are pro abortion have been already born.


  1. This is one of the major problem we facing as a country But people can not see It Because They Are Being Brainwashed By This Sayin Which Say Abortion Is Safe and it also helps to reduce the population of people While Turning A Blind Eye to the ultimate truth which is killing an innocent child who didn't do anything

  2. Hoping that everyone get to see this to be learn more about such things this really educating and mind blowing good job

  3. that is so true nobody has the right to take life because life is very precious.

    1. Exactly But As People We Don't Look At The bigger Picture Because Abortion Is Not Considered As Killing A Child It's Actually Killing None So That We As Human beings Can Feel Better And We Have A Lot Of Reasons To Back It Up Such As Financial Problems And etc

  4. Personally I feel it's more about the individual and their conscious because even if abortion was illegal, how many illegal abortions do we have in just one city ??

    1. Oh well this is a two sided issue and we all have different views.

  5. Although abortion its bad but there are conditions that would push to commit such a deed come to think of it we mostly not prepared or ready ro have children

  6. that is true but i feel like we should educate ourselves about possible alternatives

  7. I'm against abortion,people should consider ways of prevention since there are many and people need to be educated with regards to abortion because it has its own effects and dangers..why kill an innocent soul

  8. Godsave Anthony ZvaitaMarch 25, 2019 at 5:43 PM

    If only people could really look deeper into this issue before act then you will find out the cases of abortion can be reduced. Just look at that feutus as a grown up person you want to kill than to say no-one can see it so its not murder. People only consider their own side of "I want to remove this pregnancy not the fact that what would this child bring to this world". If you are not ready abstain from sex or use protection.
    Consider adoption than murder.


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