The right age to start wearing make-up.

What is the appropriate age to start wearing make-up?

Is there really a specific age for one to start wearing make up?

Make-up is a topic filled with different views from people with different experiences about it, and those views are influenced by trends. These trends tend to influence the products you buy and use, but when it comes to the right age to start wearing make-up there isn’t really a set age.

 I personally started using make-up at the age of 16, the basics such as lipstick and a little bit of mascara here and there trying to be as careful so possible not to be caught. As I grew older I fell in love with the different looks one could explore using make-up and that’s when I developed a passion for it. At 18 I had granted myself to a face beat without worrying about my mum reprimanding me.

Most of my friends started wearing make-up at 19 for different reasons of course, some say it boasts their self-esteem (you know a little bit of confidence takes you a long way ahead), while others wear make-up simply because they love it. So, I guess whenever you feel ready to explore the art of make-up, that will be your most appropriate age to start wearing make-up.

At what age did you start wearing make-up?


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