
The link between self-love and mental health

The link between Self-love and mental health I am a 100% positive that you have came across the concept of self-love in your lifetime. The concept of self-love is constantly being preached to us through YouTube videos or Instagram post captions and we have read millions of quotes solely dedicated to self-love. But the real question is: what does it mean to have self-love, does it mean being a narcissist? or just simply protecting your energy. For centuries self-love was associated with narcissism and a big ego, this misunderstood concept has evolved over the years and adopted a more positive connotation. The most popular environment where self-love is constantly emphasized is through various mental health awareness campaigns, it is believed that self-love effortlessly relates to self-help because the more you learn to love yourself you start putting yourself first and that forces you to push out any negative thoughts and build a more positive relationship with yourself. The importa

Girl code

 The ultimate guideline to the girl code What is the girl code? There are a lot of definitions concerning the girl code, but really in a nutshell the girl code is just a set of unwritten or unspoken rules between a girl and her best friend. Holdup!! did you just say unwritten and unspoken, yes, I did because they aren’t literary written down or have a meeting set up just to discuss them, instead it is assumed that every girl knows them and is expected to apply them accordingly. BETWEEN YOU AND I we BOTH   know that not every girl is really clued up on the girl code, so here are a few girl code rules: 1.  Do not date your best friend’s ex ever. 2.  When going shopping with your best friend and she asks for your opinion before buying an outfit be sure to be honest. 3.  Always check in with your friends when they are on a date with a new guy. You never        know if they need to be saved. 4.  Never allow your friend to walk home alone, especially when she’s drunk

when will you stop?

The silent cry When will it be enough, when will our tears be heard or our loud screams because I as a woman in South Africa fear for my life.  As a young female in South Africa, I live and breathe uncertainty with the fear of not knowing if I will see the sunrise. The fear of not knowing if I will live to hear yet another alarm clock waking me up. Why do we have to be afraid of our own race that we share the same blood with?, the same people that are suppose to be protecting us are the ones killing us. Who do we trust when our own blood has turned into our enemies?, who do we seek help from when our protectors are silent and ignorant of what is happening?. Uncertainty creeps in every time I step outside and trauma feasts on me as I see my fellow sisters brutally murdered, kidnapped and raped all because a man felt superior and entitled to her body. I ask, when will it be enough?. We are tired of living in uncertainty as women, we plead for our fellow brothers to

The right age to start wearing make-up.

What is the appropriate age to start wearing make-up? Is there really a specific age for one to start wearing make up? Make-up is a topic filled with different views from people with different experiences about it, and those views are influenced by trends. These trends tend to influence the products you buy and use, but when it comes to the right age to start wearing make-up there isn’t really a set age.  I personally started using make-up at the age of 16 , the basics such as lipstick and a little bit of mascara here and there trying to be as careful so possible not to be caught. As I grew older I fell in love with the different looks one could explore using make-up and that’s when I developed a passion for it. At 18 I had granted myself to a face beat without worrying about my mum reprimanding me. Most of my friends started wearing make-up at 19 for different reasons of course, some say it boasts their self-esteem (you know a little bit of confidence
WEARING YOUR FEMININITY. There are different descriptions of femininity and each are unique to one's perspectives and ideas. As a young female I still struggle with embracing my femininity in light of the fact that there is no right or wrong way to do so.  In primary school I was one of those skinny tall, dark skinned girls that would get teased every school break and that made me super conscious of my weight and had me wishing I was light skinned like the girl sitting right in front of me. For a very long time I was convinced that femininity meant appearance, how big your boobs were and how pretty your face looked and little did I know that it simply had to do with a female's characteristics and qualities. As a girl ,we are all born feminine and that is our super power.

What about the right to life?

A right to life shouldn’t be a matter of choice but one of obligation. Social media h as been rapidly growing in the past decade and with an increase in artificial intelligence that aims to one day replicate humans in all ways possible. This could mean that humans won’t be as useful in this technological atmosphere when robotics dominate. Human life has lost value, and the execution of abortion is more common, and life is not viewed as a precious gift no more. corporate social media advantage is... Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by removing the embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus. Hashtags such as #abortion create awareness around the issue and this makes it easy for the practice of corporate social media because they generate more views using the hashtag. This also gives them the opportunity to go viral quicker because hashtags are easier to search generate for example Twitter is a great social media platform for hashtags. There are

Communication unites with technology in a revolutionized society.

In the last couple of years traditional media was dominant in the corporate industry and this meant that a lot of companies stuck to one-way communication. Traditional media  limited external stakeholder's engagement with the corporate industries. However social media… Social media has opened a new world for corporate companies promoting two-way communication and increasing traffic to the organisation’s website. According to Forrester Research , 75% of the world’s population using the internet use social media and with the growing popularity of social media usage among the internet users, online presence for organizations has become crucial in reaching a larger audience. Social media makes the world a more accessible and connected place. It aids the public relations professional with more effective communication tools for example the different social media platforms. The revolutionary communication has… The 4 th industrial revolution is the major industrial era